Our Heavenly Father has touched my heart with His Love for the people of India. It is my hope in these writings to encourage my brothers and sisters to grow deeper in love with Jesus and to share my struggles and insights as God gives wisdom in hopes that it will be of value to others and that I also may learn by your responses.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

God has truly bound our hearts with His love and I dearly miss you all. The Lord has been pressing me and squeezing out the oil (I think) which is not a fun process but which will hopefully prepare me to keep my lamp burning until the Bridegroom comes.

I miss you all so much and since I haven't been able to travel over and see all of you in India this year I thought it would be good to have a way to continue encouraging and teaching one another. Please feel free to write responses to my blog entries so that we may continue to share and grow in Jesus love for us together.

May He bless you with much joy,
Sherri Maamma